Invisible to the eyes, perceptible to the senses
Feng Shui
Feng Shui is an ancient technique of Chinese origin, whose main objective is to create favorable environments for people to fully manifest their potential .
The expression (Feng Shui) literally means wind and water. The ancient Chinese claimed that the goal is to keep the Qi (energy) flowing – hence the wind. But even if it flows, it must do so in a contained way, so that it is possible to enjoy its benefits – hence, water.
Traditional techniques are used in Měidé , which today are known as School of Form , School of Compass , Ba Zhai (San He / San Huan - Xuan Kong Fei Xing - Flying Stars).
It is not a mere application of BaGua , or even the American techniques of the 80's and their mystifications.
Traditional techniques take into account time, space and man , and only in this way is it possible to effectively balance a space, without the need for amulets or the users' beliefs.
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Feng Shui consulting brings many benefits and prosperity to clients. This is because changes in physical space collaborate with the personal evolution of those who occupy it. There are, after the application of the technique, noticeable improvements in several aspects of the lives of the people who inhabit and transit through the place. Among these aspects are:
The quality of sleep;
Productivity and disposition;
The confidence;
The Concentration;
Health and
The relationships.
How is the technique applied?
Guidelines are established, calculated specifically for the property under study, combined with the interaction of occupants and their activities. These guidelines guide the best colors for each environment, the positions of permanence, the most suitable layout, the best shapes of furniture, decoration and much more.
These guidelines when implemented will balance the space and allow its occupants to also find balance and thrive.
Traditional Chinese Feng Shui Consulting Office.
Měidé is a Chinese word which in Mandarin (Pinyin) means Virtues
Virtue is an individual's willingness to do good; this is not just a characteristic, but a true inclination towards goodness. Thus, virtues are all the constant habits that lead man to the path of good.
In this way, the meaning behind the brand is: everything is governed by our own virtues, we have the driving force of our real transformation.
This concept is the basis of Feng Shui consulting, which brings knowledge, through the map, of what needs to be transformed in real estate, as well as showing us how we can be even better people.
Carolina Henares
Carolina Henares is a Feng Shui consultant, formed by the Feng Shui Research Center with mentor Aline Mendes.
She has specializations in advanced Feng Shui courses: Water Dragons, 4 Pillars and Da Gua, offered by Silvia Sacramento. He improved his knowledge and bases with Professor Marcos Murakami and Master Howard Choy. He also studied complementary techniques such as Radiesthesia and Geobiology.
He is an architect and urban planner graduated from Universidade Positivo and has a specialization in Sustainable Construction from UTFPR and ETSBA (Barcelona).
He holds an MBA in Project Management from the ISAE/FGV institutions.